Making Music Together: The Importance of Music
We are musical beings. Our tendency to make music is
universal and it transcends culture, language, religion, and every stage of our
lives. As early as 5 months in utero, babies can hear their mother’s heartbeat
and voice. From the time we are newborn and arguably before, playing and making
music is not only all around us, it is an integral part of us. Cooing infants, bouncing babies, singing
lullabies, chanting songs in school, attending a celebration, driving to work,
music is everywhere!
Culturally, music connects us to a community and allows
people to interact and bond with one another. Imagine singing to your child.
Think of how physically close you are when you sing. Think about how special
that moment is that you are creating together. Singing together is a beautiful way to bond
with your little one. Beyond that isolated
moment, it creates harmony and possibly everlasting memories. Singing with your child also fosters the love
of making music. Only you can give your child the gift of loving music. Singing and dancing with your child does not
cost a penny but the benefits of those experiences are priceless. Making music with your child does not require
any kind of special skill or “talent”. Regardless of your musical ability, your
voice is your child’s favorite voice. Through
music and musical play you encourage creativity, personal expression, and social interaction while
bringing out the joy and the benefits of creating life-long music