My first note from the nest. For many months I have been thinking of starting a blog. The cursor blinks, my eyes blink...maybe I'll try again tomorrow. Here we are in November. There is some movement in the nest! Time to take flight, Songbird.
November brings us the holiday of Thanksgiving. This is a time to reflect on the many things we are grateful for. I will start with my nest and the 3 wonderful people who share it with me.
My 6 year old daughter, Hannah taught me about how everybody has a "body bucket". The trick with this special bucket is trying to keep it full of goodness, love, health and happy thoughts. I am so grateful that my bucket is overflowing!
My 1 year old daughter, Bela keeps us all on our toes. She is one happy little bird who reminds me to slow down, have fun, enjoy and appreciate the simple thing in life. Thank you, baby girl.
I am grateful that my two beautiful daughters need and want their mama bird. Thank you for taking such good care of me!
My wonderful, supportive, funny, and kind husband, Aron keeps our nest safe, warm, and silly. He also fills my other nest, Songbirds Music, with endless encouragement.
Almost 5 years ago, I flew the elementary school teacher's coop to start Songbirds Music. I am so thankful that I get to do what I love everyday! My families are amazing and I am so grateful to share my passion for working with children and my love for music and dance with them. Thank you, Songbirds Music families for helping me build by work nest bigger, better, stronger, and again, sillier every day. Thank you for understanding that I am a mom too.
Fly with me to one more nest...San Diego. A fabulous city, filled with so many places to visit, not to mention super family (and bird) friendly. I am so grateful to be back here living close to my family, good friends, and great weather. I am one lucky bird!
"Notes from the Nest" will be a blog where I share thoughts, ambitions, events, and curiosities from home, work, and San Diego...all nests. As I mentioned, I have been planning to do this blog for sometime. I was nervous about starting, waiting for the perfect time, worrying about what I was going to share, say, or sing. I guess my blog egg has finally hatched.
Thank you for letting me share this with you.
From my nest to yours, Happy Thanksgiving!